When I couldn’t find pony-themed Christmas presents for my two pony-mad daughters, my frustration with the situation gave me the idea for a new business.
I felt that I couldn’t be the only parent with the same problem and when some further discussion with other mothers of pony-mad kids at local stables confirmed that there wasn’t much choice beyond riding boots, jodhpurs and standard riding jackets, luvponies.com was born.
15 years on and 25,000 customers later, my conviction about the need for a wider range of pony-themed things has been proved correct and today luvponies offers a huge selection of products and gift ideas for pony-mad children and delivers these not just in the UK and Ireland but as far away as Australia, the United States and New Zealand.
Although Mollie and Phoebe no longer model clothes for luvponies as they used to, due to them now being twenty five and twenty two years old respectively, they still love horses and they both contribute ideas for new slogans and new designs to the luvponies range.
Both girls are very concerned about the environment and requested luvponies make every effort to do all they can to help the situation. Therefore I am proud to say, wherever possible, we are as “Green” as we can be. This includes limited use of plastic bags and unnecessary paperwork. I don’t send an order form or a returns form with every order. As I have less than 2 returns a month, it would be a huge waste of paper.
Your parcel will arrive sprinkled with pony confetti (whenever possible) and a ‘thank you’ card giving you a 10% discount with your next order. I want to make receiving a parcel from luvponies a thoroughly enjoyable experience and one you’ll recommend to friends and family.
I would be very pleased to hear whether you love our range of gifts and clothes as much as I do!
I would appreciate you letting me know if there is anything you were disappointed not to find. I love a challenge and will do my best to find it for you.
I do hope you have as much fun browsing our website as I have had putting it all together for you.
Best regards,